Suitable Plants For Balconies

A collection of plants on your balcony will certainly improve your space and make it more inviting for you and anybody who visits, regardless of how big or tiny, sunny or shady, facing north or east your balcony is. Thought should be given to how much sunlight your balcony gets throughout the day before making a purchase. By reading the label or description of the plant, you can decide which plants like the sun or the shade.

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If your balcony is covered, be sure to give your plants regular waterings. There are several options available when you decide to refurbish your balcony, including pots that can be hung on the grills. These low-maintenance plants are perfect for your balcony in terms of maintenance and appearance.


15 plants you need for your balcony

Aloe Vera

If you don’t already have this multitasker in your house, you should definitely get one right away. It can be used to heal minor injuries that children bring home, revitalize skin and hair, & make natural remedies. You won’t need to tend to this insect-resistant plant frequently; water it only when the soil is completely dry. Without a question, this plant is a multitasker.

Sunlight: glaring, oblique sunlight.

Water: During the summer, water the plant every two to three weeks. The rest of the year, water it less regularly.

Low maintenance

Suitable Plants For Balconies


A getaway where you stay at home? The exotic blossoms and vivid colours of hibiscus flowers make them a unique addition to a balcony. Because certain types grow fairly large, you should check the label to make sure you’re providing them enough space. However, because they need full sun, it can be difficult.

All hibiscus plants benefit from full sun for healthy growth.

Water: All hibiscus plants need thorough watering every other day or two during the first few weeks after planting. After that, water perennial hibiscus twice a week for the first growing season.

Maintenance: It is said that hibiscus, both tropical and hardy, require little upkeep and are easy to cultivate and maintain for.

Suitable Plants For Balconies

Sweet Alyssum

If you haven’t yet planted this delightful annual, you’re losing out! Sweet Alyssum blooms with tiny, sweet-smelling flowers from spring till frost. The fact that pollinators like it is the nicest part! Make careful to water it, and give it room in pots or hanging baskets so that it can flow over the sides. It needs sunlight but may take partial shade.

Sunlight: Although it will grow best in a location with afternoon shade, sweet alyssum enjoys full light.

Every week, give your sweet alyssum plants at least an inch of water; during hot days or dry spells, water them more regularly.

Maintenance requirements are minimal. However, on occasion they can become lanky.

Suitable Plants For Balconies

Plant Pothos/devil’s ivy

It is unknown how this plant got to be known as a “money plant,” but it is stated that having one in your home will prevent financial crises from ever happening. Although this plant’s heart-shaped leaves are undeniably attractive, you shouldn’t place it in direct sunlight on your balcony. Allow it to clean the air before you enter the room by watering it once a week. If you don’t have enough room, grow it vertically along your balcony’s railings or windows.

Put your pothos in an area that receives direct, bright sunshine. They are able to survive in low light, but their growth will be hindered.

Water sparingly and only when the soil seems dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering.

Low; too much attention is typically the main cause of mortality.

Suitable Plants For Balconies

Spider plant

This plant may give any balcony a wild, untamed aspect thanks to its leaves, which have a spidery appearance. Don’t water the soil before it dries out during the winter, but keep the soil moist throughout the summer. This cute small plant should be placed in two pots along the balcony entry to create a whimsically charming balcony.

Sunlight: Spider plants prefer growing outdoors in moderate shade. Direct sunshine could burn the foliage.

Water: During the autumn and winter, you can water your spider plant less frequently. It only needs a tiny bit of water once or twice a week.

One of the most durable and low-maintenance houseplants is the spider plant.

Suitable Plants For Balconies


The caladium should be grown on your balcony due to its lovely heart-shaped leaves and vibrant lime green, hot pink, & red patterns. Before giving a caladium a pot that will allow it to spread out, make sure to read the label because they can grow to reach approximately 10 inches and 2 feet tall. To be shaded, it needs some light shade.

Indirect sunlight, shade to part shade (with two to four hours of direct sunshine, ideally in the morning), or intense dappled light are the best growing environments for caladiums. Sun-tolerant caladiums may need additional watering if you plant them in full sunlight.

Water: Water your caladium thoroughly after the top inch of soil on it becomes dry, which typically happens once per week.

Caladium bicolor is a low-maintenance indoor or house plant that is simple to maintain.

Suitable Plants For Balconies

Impatiens of New Guinea

New Guinea impatiens, which come in cheery colours like peach and hot pink, are a trustworthy option for long-season beauty. Till the first frost, deadheading (pinching back) is not required to encourage flowering. Usually, these annuals do better in pots than in hanging baskets, which are more difficult to water in the heat. You need some shade for these.

Sunlight: New Guinea impatiens need both full and partial sunlight to grow. They thrive in the morning light and afternoon shade.

Water: New Guinea impatiens flourish when regularly watered.

Low-maintenance and high-performing options include New Guinea impatiens.

Suitable Plants For Balconies


The best places to showcase these stunning annuals, which come in pink, red, & purple colours, are window boxes and hanging baskets. Hummingbirds and butterflies adore them. Fuchsia needs total shade.

Sunlight: Despite being referred to be shade plants; fuchsias need a lot of sunlight to flourish and thrive.

Water: When fuchsias become dry, water them. However, cultivating fuchsias in containers is far more challenging. In the spring, when it’s cool outside & they haven’t fully blossomed, the watering schedule can be two or three times each week.

Maintenance: As long as you give fuchsias sunlight, well-drained soil, and a protected position, they won’t need much attention. When taking care of fuchsia plants, the soil’s moisture content must be taken into account.

Suitable Plants For Balconies


Blue, purple, or white low-growing lobelia look gorgeous cascading from baskets & containers. It blooms at its best just before nighttime lows become too severe. If the plant stops blooming, cut it back; it will rebloom when the weather turns cooler. The early sun and afternoon shadow are what lobelia enjoys the most, however it may survive mostly in the shade.

Broad sunlight to light shade is ideal conditions for the lobelia plant to grow.

Water: During the dry season in particular, the plant has to be watered roughly twice a week.

Maintenance: Once established, the lobelia plant requires little upkeep.

Suitable Plants For Balconies


Contrary to popular opinion, rose cultivation is easy. Choose a rose that thrives in containers, like a shrub or a small variety. Make sure it receives at least six hours of sunlight per day for the best flowers. They often don’t need a lot of care to be healthy, making them a great addition to your balcony.

Direct sunshine is essential for the growth of roses. However, in the sweltering summer heat, some shade is advantageous.

Water: Roses should be watered every two to three days for newly planted roses and once or twice a week for mature roses.

Roses have a reputation for requiring a lot of attention.

Suitable Plants For Balconies

Herbal plants

Adding herbs to a balcony is a low-maintenance option, and you can easily take some off for cooking. If you have direct sunshine, pick rosemary and basil. Partial sunshine is suitable for cilantro and chives. Herbs can grow in the sun or the shade, depending on the variety. Additionally, you can keep curry tree, mint, thyme, basil, holy basil (tulsi), and other healing plants in your room to enhance the environment. Indian basil, commonly referred to as tulsi, is renowned for its medicinal benefits and capacity to boost the immune system. These are some of the best plants for balconies.

Sunlight: Most herbs need some amount of light exposure. Herbs like rosemary, lavender, & basil thrive in direct sunlight, although the majority can tolerate much more sunlight.

Water: Generally speaking, watering your herbs two to three times each week should be sufficient. Among the herbs that require extra watering are basil, cilantro, mint, and parsley.

Low maintenance

Suitable Plants For Balconies


One of the nicest outdoor plants, the jade plant, is affectionately known as the “friendship tree.” It can grow on even the driest soils, doesn’t need any water, and doesn’t burn in the sun. It withstands the toughest of conditions, in other words, much like strong friendships do!

Sunlight: Jade plants need at least six hours of bright light each day. Without direct sunshine, they cannot grow sufficiently.

Water: Jade plants are succulents, and since succulents store water in their leaves, they do not perform well in permanently wet soil. Watering once every two to three weeks will probably be beneficial, but be sure to check frequently!

Low maintenance

Suitable Plants For Balconies


These lovely bushes can be grown in pots on your balcony. Look for dwarf types and choose a big pot manufactured of a material that won’t freeze and crack in cold climates. Because certain types can endure more sun than others, check the plant tag. Sun and some shade are necessary for hydrangeas.

They are able to endure both the sun & the shadows. Hydrangeas struggle in the hot afternoon sun, preferring the early morning light. The best conditions for these lovely plants are latter afternoon partial shade.

Water: Give plants one inch of water every week during the growing season. To encourage root development, deeply water your plants three times per week.

They require relatively little low-maintenance.

Suitable Plants For Balconies


Yes! Lettuce! Put some new mesclun in the sun on your balcony. They come in a wide range of types, are easy to cultivate, and only require one or two window boxes (because of their shallow roots). Keep it moist while it sprouts. Trim, don’t pull, the parts as they grow. It will keep producing till very hot weather arrives. For lettuce, sunlight is mostly required.

Sunlight: The majority of lettuce species demand full, direct sunlight, while some lettuce varieties can flourish in light shade.

Water: Lettuces need to be often watered because of their thin roots, especially in warm or windy weather. Containers for lettuce need to be watered more frequently, especially in the summer.

Plants that require little upkeep and are simple to grow.

Suitable Plants For Balconies

Boston Fern

In a basket suspended from the balcony ceiling, the Boston fern, the most exquisite-looking fern with lacy leaves and dangling fronds, will look fantastic. This plant is so easy to maintain that you could leave for a long trip, travel to Boston, and return to find it still looking green.

Sunlight: Boston ferns are adaptable plants that thrive in both bright and moderate indirect light.

Water: These ferns adore being in it! Water the plant thoroughly, especially on sunny summer days. Watering your fern twice daily is a good idea on particularly hot days.

Low maintenance and simple to maintain indoor plant.

Suitable Plants For Balconies




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