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A Complete Guide To Power Of Attorney
A legal arrangement known as a power of attorney (PoA) enables one person to act on behalf of another. The Powers of Attorney Act of 1888 governs powers of attorney (PoAs). In most cases, registering a power of attorney is not necessary. Registration is required, nonetheless, if the PoA generates an interest in the relevant property.
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What is a Power of Attorney?
A power of attorney (POA) is a crucial legal instrument that enables a person to designate another person or entity to handle his or her money, medical issues, and property (Power of attorney for property) while he or she is away. The primary, donor, or grantor in this arrangement is the person who gives the other person the authority to act on her behalf. The agent or power of attorney agent is the individual who has been given authority.
The scope of the authorized agent’s power to make decisions on the property (power of attorney for property), health care, and finances might vary depending on the terms and conditions.
Types of Power of Attorney (POA)
Based on the amount of duty assigned, there are four different types of POAs.
Standard Power of Attorney
This document is sometimes called as a limited power of attorney or a general power of attorney (GPA), depending on the scope of the powers granted. This only applies to a particular duty and lasts for a defined period of time. This facility grants the PoA agent the ability to make both personal and professional judgments.
For instance, the grantor can give a POA agent the authority to sign a sale deed on their behalf while they are out of town or abroad.
Durable Power of Attorney
POA that is durable is made to last a lifetime. As a result, even if the grantor becomes incapable or unsuitable to make decisions, the PoA agent has the authority to do so. A durable POA often lasts until the grantor’s demise or until the grantor revokes the POA.
For instance, the grantor may choose a representative to oversee his stock portfolio.
Springing Power of Attorney
The springing POA is utilized for a certain event, dates, or circumstance, as well as when the grantor is rendered incapable.
For instance, a military man can appoint a POA agent to manage financial issues if he is handicapped or serving overseas.
Medical Power of Attorney
Both durable POA and springing POA include medical POA. Typically, this tool is used to make healthcare decisions. It must be emphasize that the grantor must be conscious and in good physical and mental health before the medical POA will take effect.
For example, the PoA agent may cover the grantor’s medical expenses. If the necessity arises, he is not permitted to decide whether to turn off the life support system.
Who is eligible to serve as a power of attorney (PoA)?
Selecting a Power of Attorney (PoA) candidate can be challenging. When it comes to eligibility, a POA can be chosen if they are dependable, older than 18 years old, and of sound mind.
Prior to designating someone as a POA, it’s crucial to take their values and personality into account. The POA should be capable of making choices with clarity and conviction.
Can you designate more than one Power of Attorney?
Can a person appoint more than one POA? Is a common query. Yes, a person can choose many attorneys and specify whether they should work together or independently when making decisions.
Making a sound judgment is really aided by having multiple attorneys present all the benefits and drawbacks. However, there are times when different lawyers may have opposing views, which could cause a delay in making a crucial choice.
Instead of counting on a single PoA agent, it is wise to have a backup. The backup agent can take over if the primary agent becomes ill or hurt.
How is a power of attorney revoked?
As long as the person who granted the power of attorney (PoA) remains mentally sound and competent, it may be revoked or rescinded at any time. If the grantor wants to revoke a Power of Attorney, they must do so in writing, sign it in front of a notary public, and then transmit the document to the attorney-in-fact. All third parties with whom the agent interacts must get the letter. The revocation letter should be written on the same grounds as the power of attorney, if it was completed there.
How can I become an agent for a power of attorney (PoA)?
A person must be of sound mind and at least 18 years old to serve as a power of attorney agent. The agent is accountable for keeping track of all financial transactions, making sure that his personal information and bank account are kept separate from those of the grantor, and abstaining from any conflicts of interest.
How should a power of attorney (POA) be chosen?
The scope of the approved POA agent’s authority to make legal and other decisions regarding the property, medical affairs, and finances can vary depending on the conditions of the POA contract. Additionally, a person must be eighteen years old and of sound mind in order to work as a PoA agent.
The information given below may be useful while choosing a PoA:
- Select a dependable person to manage your finances and property while you are away. Additionally, you can choose an agent based on their duties. The type of POA can also be chosen based on the tasks that need to be accomplished.
- Anyone has the authority to decide who has POA and when the authority begins and ends.
- There are numerous POA templates online. Observe the guidelines set forth by your state’s government.
- The POA can be made with the aid of a property or general attorney.
- Complete the required forms and sign all the paperwork linked to the property.
- Verify the papers’ signatures with a lawyer (a property lawyer if the forms relate to property) and get the paperwork notarized (Power of attorney for property)
How does a Power of Attorney (PoA) get signed by an NRI?
In order to buy or sell a property in India, a non-resident Indian (NRI) must execute a power of attorney (PoA) with a person who can carry out the transaction on their behalf.
How is a power of attorney created?
The POA must be sign at the sub-office, registrar’s which is located within the authority’s territorial jurisdiction. The POA must be invoked within three months of the date of execution if the grantor lives overseas and should be attested by the Indian consulate there.
The following procedures can be used to execute a POA by an NRI who is currently living overseas and wants to purchase real estate in India:
Legalization: Through this, the Indian Embassy/Consulate-accredited person must certify that the judge’s or notary’s signature on the POA is genuine. Additionally, this POA must be stamp in India three months after the date of receipt. When the document is produced in India for registration, the stamp duty on the POA is paid. According to Section 2(17) of the Indian Stamp Act of 1899, as read with Schedule-I, the stamp duty on PoA is paid.
Apostilization: An apostille is a certificate that certifies and verifies the signature or seal of the person who validated the document (in this example, a Power of Attorney), and it must be in accordance with Indian legislation like the Power of Attorney (PoA) Act, 1882, and the Indian Registration Act, 1908. The Hague Convention of 1961 governs the apostalization process, which is used to authenticate a POA that was execute outside of India.
Dos and Don’ts for Attorneys Regarding Powers of Attorney
A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that enables someone to designate another person to handle your property, legal, medical, and/or financial affairs on your behalf while you’re away.
The extent of the authorized agent’s legal/other decision-making authority over the property (Power of attorney for property), medical matters, and finances might vary depending on the terms of the POA.
The following actions or things are both permitted and prohibited as a PoA.
Financial and property affairs:
- Using the PoA,
- Buy, sell and rent a property
- Maintenance and repair of grantor’s home
- Manage and supervise the bank accounts
- Paying the bill
- Management of investments
- Gift purchase (under defined rules)
The PoA is unable-
- Make generous financial gifts
- Make independent choices regarding discretionary funds.
- The agent’s bank account and the grantor’s account cannot be combine.
- Misuse of authority to further personal goals
- Tax planning without proper supervision
Welfare and health:
- Agents can:
- Plan the grantor’s daily schedule.
- Make decisions on personal hygiene and medical care.
- Make choices that will profit and benefit the grantor
- Think about what the grantor says
Things an agent can’t do-
- He cannot limit the freedom of the grantor.
- The agent cannot make any judgments if the grantor is in a state of mental stability.
In conclusion, a power of attorney is a practical legal tool that enables someone to carry out significant choices while they are gone.
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