Cyclamen Plant : Facts, Benefits, Grow & Care Tips

A sweet-smelling plant with lovely blooms like cyclamen is guaranteed to bring vitality to your house.

A very modest flowering plant called a cyclamen bears tiny, sweet-smelling flowers on long stalks that extend above the foliage. The winter holiday season, when cyclamen can be found blossoming on racks in garden centers and grocery stores, is when it is most frequently grown as a houseplant.

It goes by the names Alpine Violet, Persian Violet, and Sowbread and is frequently grown outside in pots. If seeds are planted in the late summer, blooms will emerge in the winter of the following year. A potentially dangerous shrub, cyclamen can damage both humans and animals.


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Cyclamen: Key facts

Genus Cyclamen
Family Primulaceae
Maximum Height 9 inches
Native area Mediterranean
Soil pH around 6
Season Winter
Sun Exposure Partial



Cyclamen: Specifications

Because it is a tuberous annual, it dies back to its deep roots during its dormancy in the summer and then quickly grows back in the autumn. There are many different colors of flowers, including pink, purple, red, and white. The leaves are heart-shaped, medium green in color, and commonly marbled with silver.


Types of cyclamen

There are numerous cyclamen species. You can choose your shrub while the blooms are exposed because they bloom for such a long time. common types:

  • The Sierra series plants create enormous flowers in a variety of hues, including white, pink, salmon, red, violet, and purple.
  • The term “Scentsation” is used to describe a specific type of bloom that emerges in pink and red hues and has a strong fragrance.
  • The cultivar with ruffled, white flowers with crimson accents is called Victoria.

Cyclamen Plant: Facts, Benefits, Grow & Care Tips



Tips for growing cyclamen

  • This plant starts its growth cycle in the autumn, produces blooms throughout the winter or early spring, and then goes dormant for the entire summer as a consequence of its adaptation to the Mediterranean climate.
  • Plants that grow cyclamen detest hot weather, drafts, and arid air. They prefer midday temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temperatures between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit in order to flourish in an environment that closely resembles their native home.
  • Modern blends, on the other hand, can be kept in a wider temperature range after purchase and still work well.



When to plant Cyclamen?

The ideal time of year to grow cyclamen is in the fall. The Cyclamen grows best in the autumn and does very well in the container. In order to grow plants the following year, many horticulture specialists also sow tubers in the fall. Keep in mind that Cyclamen don’t thrive in the humidity of the summer and may simply wilt.


Where to grow Cyclamen

The best conditions for growing cyclamen are moderately acidic, rich in organic matter, and well-drained soil. For plants maintained in pots, you can use regular potting soil, but you should also add some sphagnum peat to the soil to increase its acidity.


Cyclamen Plant- Growing Cyclamen

  • Twist the stalk and then pull it tightly to remove any wasted blooms from the plant cleanly from the base. The plant will be encouraged to continue making blooms as a result.
  • Seed pods emerge after the flowers have disappeared.
  • These seeds should be collected, separated, and put in a small pot with potting soil that has been composted.
  • Lightly moisten the seeds and gently cover them with manure or gardening soil.
  • Until the seeds germinate, leave the containers in a cold, dark place for one to two months.
  • It may take up to two years for the seedlings to grow into plants, so move the pots to a location with abundant indirect light and keep them lightly moist during that time.
  • A plant is advancing toward adulthood when it has leaves, which is a sign of growth. The earth should be watered during this period whenever it feels dry about an inch below the top.
  • Water should not be allowed to touch the plant’s foliage or top as this could lead to the decay of the plant.
  • During the dormant season, water the plant minimally but sufficiently to prevent the earth from drying out entirely.
  • Every two weeks, when the cyclamen plant is fully leafed out, use a weak, low-nitrogen liquid fertilizer.



How to propagate Cyclamen

Use the tuber, a distended subterranean root that is used in Cyclamen propagation. Take the root out of the ground, split it, and plant it.  Cyclamen should ideally be kept in a quiet, shady place with adequate airflow throughout the summer, when the plant is dormant.



Cyclamen Plant- Cyclamen care

  • These plants require both a high humidity level and moist soil in order to sustain their blooming.
  • The foliage of the plant should always be rigid and upright; if you notice that they are wilting or toppling over, it is probably due to a lack of hydration. Plants maintained in conditions that are either overly damp or arid will develop yellow leaves.
  • To increase the relative humidity around the plants and protect them from draughts of heated air, set the plant receptacle on a plate of wet gravel.
  • Cyclamens require fertilizer to develop, but too much of it will produce luxuriant growth that is more susceptible to disease. Fertilize flowering plants every two weeks when they are vigorously developing with a low-nitrogen houseplant meal or fertilizer. Cyclamen should not be fertilized while inactive.
  • Strong indirect light is advantageous to cyclamen during the winter when the plant is constantly growing.


When do cyclamen flower?

When the weather is chilly and damp, cyclamen bloom in the autumn, winter, and spring. The plant’s development slows down and its foliage goes yellow in the summer. Whatever energy they obtain, they reserve it in their spherical tubers for use during the following blooming season.


Cyclamen: Uses in ornamentation

  • The beautiful flowers that this perennial plant creates, which have petals that arch upward and come in a range of colors such as white, pink, red, and purple, are highly valued.
  • Even the greenery of the plant is stunning, with variegated dark green leaves that are either spherical or heart-shaped in shape.



Cyclamen Plant – Cyclamen: Medicinal uses

In addition to adding color to landscapes, cyclamen has a long history of use in traditional medicine as a herbal remedy for a variety of illnesses.

  • According to a preliminary research, using a cyclamen-containing nasal spray everyday for 15 days may lessen face pain brought on by sinusitis. It doesn’t seem to lessen other effects, though.
  • It can be use to treat menstruation irregularities and digestive issues.

More study is needed, though, to evaluate the efficacy of cyclamen for different applications.







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