10 Vastu Suggestions For Monsoon: Bring Happiness Into Your Home

These Vastu suggestions might improve the energy flow generally and encourage wellbeing during the monsoon. The monsoon season is one of renewal and expansion, but it also has its share of difficulties. During this period, you can create a harmonious environment in your home that encourages positivity, health, and wellbeing by utilizing Vastu principles. In order to make the most of the monsoon season and keep a pleasant energy flow in your home, let’s explore 10 useful and efficient Vastu recommendations.

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Keep the doors and windows facing northeast open

After the first few showers of rain, opening the doors and windows towards the north-east encourages beneficial energy to enter your home, according to Vastu Shastra principles. It is believe that these pleasant vibes will bring harmony, wealth, and luck to the home.


Infuse the north or northeast with water

The north and north-east directions are associated with water elements, according to Vastu Shastra. Water-related features like water storage tanks, rainwater harvesting systems, or fountains are frequently found in houses that adhere to Vastu. Additionally, it is advised to keep the northeast area neat, well-lit, and clutter-free since it symbolizes the mind. This may help with mental clarity and promote a quiet environment by fostering a sense of serenity.


Keep your house warm and dry

Your home must be clutter-free, spotless, and dry in order to maintain a healthy living environment. Moisture can encourage the development of mould and mildew, which is bad for your health. To keep your home dry and fresh, regular cleaning and making sure sufficient ventilation are in place are essential, especially during rainy season. In order to stop future damage, it’s also critical to treat any cracks or water-related problems in your home right once.


Make sure there is ventilation and sunlight

To avoid moisture and energy stagnation during the monsoon season, proper ventilation is crucial. Make sure that all of the windows & vents are tidy and working. Utilise daylight during the day to brighten your home because it not only adds warmth but also encourages happiness and a feeling of well-being. For the most amount of sunlight entering your living rooms, keep the curtains & blinds open.


Fix all leaks, particularly those in the south

It is crucial to take care of any water-related difficulties in the south-east & south-west directions to preserve a harmonious energy flow in your home. The arrival of rainwater in these directions might upset the harmony of energies since these places are linked to the fire element. Protecting your wellbeing by taking steps to waterproof these areas of the house will assist. Make sure there are no leaks or obstructions here. During the monsoon season, pay close attention to water drainage and make sure it drains away from the house to prevent accumulation close to the foundation. Water runoff can be efficiently manage by installing suitable drainage channels, rainwater harvesting devices, or retaining walls.


Use musk essential oil spray

In Hindu mythology and Vastu, musk essential oil is especially important in regard to Varuna, the beloved rain God. Varuna is a symbol for the oceans and monsoon clouds in Vastu. Musk essential oil in aromatherapy has a grounding effect that gives one a feeling of stability, particularly in dreary weather. It can be employee to evoke Varuna’s blessings and foster peace.


Pick your hues and decor wisely

The overall vitality of your living spaces can be greatly affect by the colour and décor choices you make. Choose energetic and cheerful tones like yellow, orange, and green during the monsoon season. These hues inspire feelings of vigor and freshness. Include decorative accents like vibrant rugs, cushions, and paintings to capture the season’s energy.


Include underwater art

By strategically placing paintings, symbols, or sculptures of water features, sea creatures, or Lord Varuna in the north or north-east corners of your house or workplace, you can increase the beneficial energies connected to the water element. This arrangement can improve your life and help you create a harmonic flow.


Avoid having stagnant water

During the monsoon season, water stagnation can be a frequent problem and have a detrimental effect on your home’s energy. Make sure that the region around your property is not flooded. In order to ensure appropriate water flow, clear any clogged gutters or drains. Create appropriate drainage pathways if you have a garden to avoid water buildup. A well-drained environment fosters good vibes and discourages the development of bugs and mosquitoes.


Bring in flowers and plants

It’s a terrific approach to increase the good vibes in your home during the monsoon season to bring nature indoors. Indoor plants provide a touch of freshness & vitality to your living spaces in addition to cleaning the air. Choose plants that do well in humid environments, including ferns and palms. Fresh flowers placed in vases can also produce a calm and relaxing atmosphere.



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